SS-4 Form / Additional Materials

Additional Materials

Entity Type IRS Form SS-4 Specifications
Individual/ Sole Proprietor The applicant must input their social security number and supply all necessary information about their business.
Corporation The SS-4 form should be filled out with the corporation's Employer Identification Number (EIN) and complete corporate information. Further, the "responsible party" must be a principal officer of the corporation.
Partnership The "responsible party" should be one of the partners and the Employer Identification Number (EIN) of the partnership should be provided on the SS-4 form.
Limited Liability Company (LLC) An LLC must apply for a new EIN and provide the "responsible party" information. This person can be a member or manager of the LLC.
Trust A trust needs its own EIN and the "responsible party" should be a trustee. All relevant trust information should be provided on the SS-4 form.
Estates An estate requires its own EIN. The "responsible party" is usually the executor or personal representative of the estate. Details about the estate should be included on the SS-4 form.
Non-profit organizations A non-profit organization needs its own EIN, and the "responsible party" is typically a principal officer. It is essential to provide the complete organization's information on the SS-4 form.
Government entities Governmental units must apply for a taxpayer identification number by completing the SS-4 form, giving all necessary entity information. The responsible party should be an individual authorized to act for the entity.